Anjali Vaswani, LMSW (she/her)


Anjali (she/her) has long been dedicated to exploring themes of intimacy, community, and embodied experience. Her academic journey began at UCLA, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Dance and Performing Arts Education, focusing on Contact Improvisation and somatic practices such as the Alexander Technique. This background deepened her connection to her own body and to the presence of others.

For six years, Anjali worked as a facilitator, guiding youth towards higher education both domestically and internationally. Seeking a more profound impact, she left Los Angeles to pursue a Master of Social Work with a concentration in Mental Health and a specialization in Sexual Health Education at the Brown School of Social Work, Washington University.

Since becoming an LMSW, Anjali has made significant contributions at Healing Action as a Service Manager of Holistic Safety, where she provides comprehensive case management and group therapy for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking. She also leads the Healthy Intimacy and Sexuality program, offering workshops on a variety of topics including Masturbation & Solo Sex, Boundary Setting within Intimate Relationships, Consent & Creating Safety within Sexual Relationships, Sex and Spirituality.

Anjali’s approach is characterized by authenticity, radical vulnerability, and open-hearted curiosity. She values shared wisdom, respect for healthy boundaries, and the deconstruction of oppressive frameworks. Her work embraces expansive and embodied eroticism, as well as joyful exploration. With this multidimensional perspective, Anjali is thrilled to present her therapeutic group offerings at Empowered Spaces, where she continues to champion community healing and personal growth.


Anjali’s Upcoming Offerings

Anjali’s Past Offerings