Danielle Tridenti (they/her)

Yoga Facilitator + Teacher Trainer, Embodiment Coach, & Equity + Inclusion Facilitator/Consultant

My name is Danielle Tridenti, my pronouns are they/she (exploring my relationship with “she” presently), and I live, breathe, and be on the ancestral land of the Kaskaskia, Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo), Myaamia, Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, O-ga-xpa Ma-zhoⁿ (O-ga-xpa),and Osage people, colonized as St. Louis, Missouri.

I am a facilitator of yoga, an embodiment coach, and an equity + inclusion group facilitator/consultant, who believes that cellular and personal change informs and affects institutional, collective, and cultural change. As such, I hold somatic practices that tend to the impact of individual and collective trauma and nurture connection and wholeness, and body liberation as essential to healing and social justice. 

The identities I hold in my work in the world are the interwoven threads of my lived experience, education, training, and ongoing (un)learning and decolonization. I hold over 5000 hours of training in yoga, somatics, trauma informed care, anti-racism,equity + inclusion, as well as 20 years of experience in teaching and group facilitation, in addition to an extensive 10 years background as a mental health clinician and social worker.

I offer individual and group experiences, education/training, coaching, and consulting centered around embodying equity, LGTBQIA2S+ affirmation and inclusion, and solidarity with a trauma informed, intersectional, anti-racist, anti-patriarchal, and anti-oppression framework. I offer this work for both individuals and space-holders of all kinds including yoga, healing, and wellness professionals/organizations, small businesses and companies wanting to create culture change, and specifically for white cis-heterosexual folks looking to unpack their privilege/supremacy, social conditioning, and biases due to all the “isms.”

While capitalism and colonialism would have me compartmentalize my self, my personal|professional values and ethics are deeply connected and a political practice. As a practice of accountability, I am committed to centering (and in the practice of studying/mentoring with) BIPOC and LGTBQIA2S+ activists, educators, healers teachers, and facilitators, who lead from their lived experiences to guide my understanding of yoga, anti-racism, trans awareness and inclusion, social|healing|transformative  justice disability justice.  In order to minimize and interrupt the harm I cause due to my dominant identities, I actively seek out constructive critique and participate in conversations/discourse across lines of difference as an ongoing practice of deepening my accountability and unlearning. 

As a white bodied (Italian and Lebanese descent), genderqueer, queer, able, educated, trauma/abuse survivor, solo parent, English speaking, US Citizen with depression and some neurodivergence, I recognize that I am embodying the impact of systemic oppression and that I hold dominant culture privileges with great proximity to power. With white being my most salient identity, I acknowledge that I will always be student of the spiritual teachings of yoga, and facilitate yoga with respect to its roots and hold no ties to the ancestry/lineage of yoga.  Additionally, I know that I will be first and foremost a student in the process of learning and decolonizing my conditioning in the social justice space.

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