Rachel Tate, LMT (they/her)

Massage Therapist, Movement Guide, Somatic Experiencing Student (Beginning Year)

For nearly 15 years, I have been working as a health and wellness professional serving various communities. Within my experience as a provider and patient, I have developed the ability to create comforting environments that invite regulation, supported by various tools and resources. In each space I hold, I seek to meet the individuals in my community where they are, in each moment.

As a massage therapist & movement guide, I believe the core of why I do this work is to develop supportive connections with others, earth, and myself. Stemming from my value in relationship, is my great curiosity and interest in how our bodies function and experience life on this planet.

I aim to support others in the ongoing journey of self and communal connection. I am especially passionate about fostering the relationship to our earth body, and enjoy sharing tools and resources to enhance personal rituals. Through my ever evolving practice and continuing education, I strive to consistently develop and offer quality care for those I have the privilege of communing with.

To learn more about my work and offerings, visit: https://earthbodystl.com