Embodiment is a Practice

By Kelly Caul, MSW, LCSW, SEP (she/her)

Embodiment is a practice. Embodiment is care in action.

It is a state of being that we return to - it is not a state where we remain permanently. 

Being embodied is what allows us to move through the world as our most compassionate, wise, authentic Self.

AND it is also a part of our shared humanity to experience moments of disconnection and disembodiment, this doesn’t mean that we are doing anything wrong. 

Stress, overwhelm, fear, survival adaptations, danger are some of what can lead to disembodiment - and in these moments this is often the most protective state for us to be in. 

Being embodied and being in relationship with our inner world invites us into the practice of awareness, presence, mindfulness. 

When we are embodied AND in relationship with our inner world,

we have access to compassion for ourselves and others.

we are able to notice and BE WITH feelings and sensations as they arise and move through.

we are able to listen to our bodies’ needs and not push past our limits. 

we can hold boundaries as we need.

we have access to our most creative self-expression.

we can be present to pain without being consumed by it. 

we can show up as our most authentic Self. 

we are able to see the humanity in others, and refuse to stand for others being hurt and oppressed. 

When we recognize and are aware of the felt experience of being embodied, we can more readily notice when we start to leave this state. 

It is this awareness that creates enough of a pause that gives us the opportunity to find a practice that supports us in returning home to ourselves.


What is your practice?
